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medical medium(Revised and Expanded Edition)

Medical Medium: Secrets Behind Chronic and Mystery Illness and How to Finally Heal (Revised and Expanded Edition) Hardcover – March 23, 2021

  • 作者: William, Anthony
  • 原文出版社:Hay House
  • 出版日期:2021/03/23
  • 語言:英文
  • 精裝本20 x 3.1 x 24 cm
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  • 規格:精裝 / 478頁 / 普通級 (美國原裝進口)
  • 出版地:美國


From the #1 New York Times best-selling author of the Medical Medium series, a revised and expanded edition of the book that started a health revolution.

Anthony William, the Medical Medium, has helped millions of people heal from ailments that have been misdiagnosed or ineffectively treated or that doctors can’t resolve on their own. Now he returns with an elevated and expanded edition of the book where he first opened the door to healing knowledge from over 30 years of bringing people’s lives back. With a massive amount of healing information that science won’t discover for decades, Anthony gets to the root of people’s pain or illness and what they need to do to restore their health now__which has never been more important. His tools and protocols achieve spectacular results, even for those who have spent years and many thousands of dollars on all forms of medicine before turning to him. They are the answers to rising from the ashes.

Medical Medium reveals the true causes of chronic symptoms, conditions, and diseases that medical communities continue to misunderstand or struggle to understand at all. It explores the solutions for dozens of the illnesses that plague us, including Lyme disease, fibromyalgia, adrenal fatigue, ME/CFS, hormonal imbalances, Hashimoto’s disease, MS, RA, depression, neurological conditions, chronic inflammation, autoimmune disease, blood sugar imbalances, colitis and other digestive disorders, and more. This elevated and expanded edition also offers further immune support, brand-new recipes, and even more solutions for restoring the soul and spirit after illness or life events have torn at our emotional fabric. Whether you’ve been given a diagnosis you don’t understand, or you have symptoms you don’t know how to heal, or someone you love is sick, or you’re a doctor who wants to care for your own patients better, Medical Medium offers the answers you need. It’s also a guidebook for everyone seeking the secrets to living longer, healthier lives.

Discover the reasons we suffer and how to finally heal from more than two dozen common conditions:


"The truth about the world, ourselves, life, purpose__it all comes down to healing," Anthony William writes. "And the truth about healing is now in your hands."


ANTHONY WILLIAM, the originator of the global celery juice movement, host of the Medical Medium Podcast, and #1 New York Times best-selling author of Cleanse to Heal, Celery Juice, Liver Rescue, Thyroid Healing, and Life-Changing Foods, was born with the unique ability to converse with the Spirit of Compassion, who provides him with extraordinarily advanced healing medical information that’s far ahead of its time. Since age four, Anthony has been using his gift to see into people’s conditions and tell them and their doctors how to recover their health. His unprecedented accuracy and success rate as the Medical Medium have earned him the trust and love of millions worldwide, among them movie stars, rock stars, billionaires, professional athletes, and countless other people from all walks of life who couldn’t find a way to heal until he provided them with insights from above. Over the decades, Anthony has also been an invaluable resource to doctors who need help solving their most difficult cases.
Learn more at www.medicalmedium.com



Medical Medium 28- Day Heating Cleanse

Our bodies love us unconditionally. They do not judge or blame or hold on to resentment. Day in and day out, all of our body systems—ones like the digestive, lymphatic, endocrine, and central nervous systems—are working for us without complaint. The immune system is constantly ready for battle, patrolling every part of the body looking for invaders.

We take all this for granted. We eat things our systems don't appreciate, indulge in foods to comfort our emotions rather than feed our bodies and souls. As we seek out snacks, meals, beverages, and desserts that temporarily keep emotions at bay, our bodies become the victims of our soul injuries. We get confused and misled and cross the line between what we think we like to eat and what our bodies need.

Eventually, the physical body begins to show wear and tear. It starts with small breakdowns (taking the form of first symptoms), then the larger breakdowns come (in the form of symptoms that lead to a label or diagnosis). Imagine a car running low on oil. For a while you can get by on the smallest amount of oil, but at some point the oil will get too low. You’ll turn on the car, the engine will heat up, cause friction, and bang~you’ll blow a valve.

The human body is forever forgiving. Your body wants to heal. It can heal. Even after years of being ignored, mistreated, or misunderstood, your body will fight for you like nothing else and no one else can. When you tend to it in the right way, your body has the ability to rejuvenate and restore from the most extreme conditions and diseases.

You have to think of your body like an old friend in need. Imagine yourself reaching out a helping hand to this friend as she climbs out of a ravine. This is your commitment to use your free will and the power of your intention to give your body the support it's crying out for.

When we connect to our bodies, truly listen to them, and give them the nourishment they’re yearning for, everything changes. True miracles happen.

When someone grows up with the pick of almost anything to eat, this can be a hard mind­set to change. Our food routines can feel like part of who we are. Hidden addictions and unproductive choices often go into them, though.

We all have cravings. It’s important not to confuse these cravings with intuition. We may feel a strong desire to eat certain foods and mistake that desire for our bodies telling us we need that bacon cheeseburger, or that omelet.

Yet when people eat anything and everything under the sun, unknowingly subjecting the liver, pancreas, gallbladder, heart, and more to greasy, processed, fried-oil, and even dangerous gastronomic concoctions, it’s because the soul and body are out of alignment—the bridge between the soul and the physical brain is tattered. That happens because the hardships we encounter on this earth can injure our souls. A gap is created, and within that gap, fear enters and takes its place. We search for ways to literally fill the gap that the fear resides in with food, or to push down other unpleasant emotions—except it doesn’t last. Eating troublemaker foods, we get sicker. Our souls and physical bodies suffer more.

If you are struggling with your health in any way, the game has to change. Eating restorative foods—and eliminating foods that feed problems —is the most critical aspect of healing any illness or health condition.

The healing food plan I present in this chapter can move health mountains. It’s like a restorative button for your body. Following these guidelines for four weeks will help reduce inflammation from illness—not just the conditions I cover in these chapters but also many more I didn’t have room for in this book. It can make a huge difference in mental health. And the cleanse will help if you’re healthy and just looking to lose weight, or if you want to maintain and maximize your potential.

I get that it’s not just emotional desire that misleads people about the right foods to eat. It’s social media, podcasts, articles, fads, advertisements, peer pressure, and health-care industry advice or trends that are supported by vast amounts of money and marketing promotion. There’s always a new superfood in the news, a new story about this or that diet, a new rumor about what truly healthy food people mistakenly believe isn’t good for you.

Now you get to tune out all the noise and guessing games. Focusing your food choices for 28 days on the options listed here will let you stop wasting your energy on the misinformation overload coming from sources that don’t know why people are sick to begin with. It’s not about deprivation in any way; it’s about abundance. It’s about repairing the bridge and sending fear away by restoring your physical body and mending your soul. This delicious, healing cleanse has brought profound results to countless people. It has changed people’s lives. It can change yours.

If you follow the advice here to the letter, you’ll find that your body will respond in untold ways. It has been waiting patiently for you to discover this information. It’s ready to work with you. It’s ready to reignite its healing powers. It’s ready to heal.


Here’s the deal: for four weeks, eat only raw fruits, leafy greens, herbs, vegetables, and specific wild foods such as wild blueberries.

For best results, follow the plan below for the whole 28 days. While that’s the best length of time, even just a week is likely to bring you significant results. Another alternative is one cleanse day per week. And if this doesn’t feel like the right time for you to try the cleanse for any length of time, turn your attention to the other healing techniques throughout the book and come back to this chapter when you feel ready. On the other hand, if your health is in dire straits, or if you have a lot of weight to lose, you’re welcome to extend the cleanse beyond the first month.

One reason this plan is so effective is that it maximizes the nutrition you get in every meal. Fruits, leafy greens, herbs, specific wild foods, and vegetables in their raw state contain the highest level of nutrients of any foods, in the form most readily available to your body. When you consume these nutrients in such a high quantity, you’ll flood your body with the building blocks it craves. The vitamins, trace minerals, antiviral compounds, antibacterial compounds, antioxidants, minerals, phytochemical compounds, and other nourishing components will help cleanse and strengthen every system in your body.

Your liver and digestive system are some of those beneficiaries. Liver health and related digestive health have a major impact on immunity and overall health. Not to mention that normally, digestion takes up an enormous amount of your body’s energy.

It’s almost like your body has a daily to-do list. There are the things it has to attend to every day, like keeping your heart pumping and your lungs inflating and food moving through your intestinal tract. Then there are all the things it wishes it could get to—taking out the toxin trash, repairing critical tissue, and so much more—if only it had the time and support.

Imagine a wobbly doorknob in your home.

One of these days, it’s going to fall off, and you’re going to have a real problem. Every day, you mean to fix it, but paying the bills and making food for your family and shoveling fresh snow outside take precedence—plus your screwdriver^ gone missing. Same with the body. When it’s overloaded with tough-to-digest foods and it’s missing critical nutrients, those wish list items just keep getting put off.

The body processes uncooked fruits, leafy greens, herbs, some wild foods, and vegetables quickly and easily. These foods also have live enzymes, which makes digestion even smoother. When your body's not busy processing heavy fats and proteins, or additives and irritants, it frees up hours every day for your body to rebuild itself on a cellular level. It’s as though someone appeared on the front step ready to snowblow your sidewalk for free, and handed you a full toolkit at the same time. Suddenly, nothing would be holding you back from fixing the doorknob—or the nails poking out of the floor, or the dripping faucet.

Note that while meat, fish, and grains can have helpful nutrients, they can also be tough for the body to break down when you may already have low hydrochloric acid and low bile reserves because your stomach glands and liver have been tattered or beaten down along the way from the stress of a high-fat diet. When our bodies are overloaded by illness or toxicity or even just sluggishness, we lose the ability to process these foods in an optimal way. The plan below gives us the reboot we need to come back to these foods with digestive vigor.

It also helps cleanse and rebuild the soul. As your body remineralizes, detoxifies, mends, and rejuvenates, your soul learns that powerhouse foods like fruit are the true sustenance that will bring it comfort. When you come out on the other side of the 28 days, foods that you know are detrimental to your health won’t hold the same sway they once did.

Your soul, spirit, and body will also be operating on a new frequency. Each piece of fruit you eat, each raw spinach leaf, holds a living vibration. When you consume it, you assimilate that. The living food brings you back to life.

Are you ready to kick-start your healing process? Then for the next four weeks, eat the most healing foods on the planet—and nothing else.

In other words, consume raw (organic if possible) fruits, leafy greens, herbs, vegetables, and some recommended wild foods, with an emphasis on keeping fat intake low. Limit or remove salt intake, too—only add a sprinkle of high-quality sea salt or rock salt to a dish if you feel you need it to stay on course.

Stay hydrated with plenty of water, coconut water (that’s not pink or red), herbal tea, and/ or fresh juice from the recipes chapter to follow. (The hot water for tea doesn’t destroy the nutrients in the herbs; it releases their medicinal properties.)

Over the course of the day, try to get in 1 liter of water (roughly equivalent to 32 ounces, or 4 cups). That’s not counting the lemon or lime water you drink upon waking, or any lemon or lime water or tea you choose to drink just before bed—this liter of water is in addition to those, something you drink between meals and snacks as you go about your day. Any coconut water or fresh juice you choose to drink during the day is also in addition to that liter of water. Feel free to squeeze some lemon or lime into your drinking water. If a liter of water feels like too much, even spread out every few hours, don’t force it all down. On the other hand, you’re welcome to do more than 1 liter. If you feel you require more fluids at any point throughout the cleanse, don’t hold back; allow yourself to improve your water levels.

(As ever, be mindful not to drink your water too close to celery juice—make sure to space them at least 15 to 30 minutes apart.)

If you’re suffering from a condition for which this book lists a specific protocol of supplements and healing foods, then feel free to add those to the mix.

For all of your cleanse questions, I recommend Medical Medium^ companion book, Cleanse to Heal. There you’ll find “The Insider Cleanse Guide/’ which includes insights about hunger and portions, cleansing while pregnant or breastfeeding, how to interpret possible healing reactions, and how to handle cleanse interruptions. Cleanse to Heal also offers additional recipes, information on supplementation while cleansing, and answers about symptom and condition complications (for example, if you’re dealing with gastroparesis), plus it provides further cleanse options, whether you want to embark on more advanced cleansing or you’d like to start with a shorter cleanse.

Now let’s get into what a day on the 28-Day Healing Cleanse looks like. Get ready for the healing to begin.

 Early Morning

Start the day with 16 to 32 ounces of lemon or lime water. After at least 15 to 30 minutes, move on to 16 to 3 2 ounces of fresh celery juice. (Cucumber juice is an option if you’re struggling to like celery juice. Although cucumber juice will not have the same benefits as celery juice, it’s there for you if needed.) This routine will do wonders to maximize the detox work your body performed overnight and hydrate you for the day ahead.

If you don’t have any of these options for morning beverages, drinking 16 to 32 ounces of plain water instead is fine. At least try to squeeze lemon into it.

Once you’ve finished your celery juice (or cucumber juice or water), wait at least another 15 to 30 minutes before you move on to breakfast or cleanse beverage options such as herbal tea or coconut water.


Make a fruit smoothie for breakfast. A good baseline recipe is three bananas, two dates, and 1 cup of berries. If this doesn’t fill you up, don’t hesitate to add more bananas or berries. This

can be switched out for the Medical Medium Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie or one of the other smoothies from the next chapter. Don't deprive yourself—this isn’t about going hungry.

If a smoothie’s not an option, try for fresh fruit. Papayas, pears, melons, and mangoes make delicious options.

Healthy smoothie add-ins are greens such as a handful of spinach or cilantro; two stalks of celery; or a teaspoon of barley grass juice powder. Just make sure that fruit remains the main ingredient. Do not deviate from these recommendations by bringing in protein powders and such.


If you get hungry, make another fruit smoothie as described above (or make two servings first thing, and have your second serving now). Alternatively, you can snack on fresh fruit, cucumber slices, and/or celery sticks.


At midday, make a salad using one of the recipes in the next chapter, or using this basic recipe: assemble spinach, lettuce, and cucumbers as the base, then toss in the fruits of your choice. Examples include berries, sliced mangoes, papaya chunks, grapes, and orange or grapefruit segments. For dressing, you can blend a handful of cilantro with the juice from two oranges (plus garlic and/or fresh ginger to taste, if you’d like). This is meant to be a large salad, so make sure you eat enough to feel full.

Optional additions include chopped cabbage, celery, or cauliflower; arugula or baby kale; sprouts; and scallions.

If you’re opting for one of the salad recipes from the next chapter, look for an all-raw one, unless you're doing the modified version of the cleanse that includes steamed options. (Read more in “Modifications.”

If you have chewing complications or need a fast lunch option, feel free to blend your salad or chop it finely in the food processor. You can also make a food-processor grind-up of apples with cauliflower or apples with cabbage. Or you can select the Spinach Soup recipe from the next chapter.


As you become hungry throughout the afternoon, snack on any fruits of your choice. Good examples include apple or pear slices, dates, oranges, and grapes. It’s an option to munch on celery sticks alongside each serving of fruit. A spoonful of raw honey also makes a great pick- me-up.


For a creamy suppertime Spinach Soup, turn to the recipes chapter. It can be a lot of fun to eat this dish served over cucumber noodles, which you can make with a kitchen gadget such as a julienne slicer or spiral slicer. These tools make it easy to turn vegetables into long, slim, crunchy strips. Keep in mind that while zucchini noodles have become popular (and are much healthier than wheat pasta), raw zucchini can be a bit uncomfortable to digest. If maximum healing and detoxification are your priorities, save the zucchini (and carrot and butternut squash) noodles for when you’ve completed this cleanse.

You’re also welcome to eat the Spinach Soup ingredients as a salad instead of blended, or you're welcome to pick a different recipe from the next chapter for dinner. Preferably, look for a raw recipe, unless you’re doing a cleanse modification and need a cooked option.


If you’re still hungry after dinner, snack on an apple, orange, and/or one date. Evening beverage options are the herbal teas recommended in this book, lemon or lime water, plain water, or coconut water (that’s not pink or red).


You don’t have to eat the exact same menu every day. Try out different recipes from the next chapter. Cycle through different salad and soup greens if you’d like, too.

Pay no mind to the trend that says too much of a particular raw, leafy green such as spinach will cause you harm. That’s misinformation. If you eat raw Spinach Soup every day for a month, it will be the best thing you’ve ever done for yourself. Don’t be afraid to eat as many greens as you’d like.

It's also okay to mono eat an entire meal of just one fruit. For example, you can spend the morning eating only bananas if they’re calling your name, as long as you’ve also had your celery juice. If not, you can balance them with a few celery sticks, or eating your bananas with lettuce is another option. If you find yourself eating a lot of one food in particular, many grocery stores, co­ops, and farmers will sell you cases of produce at a discount.

The recipes chapter will show you that you have options. Just remember your path: raw fruits, leafy greens, herbs, wild foods, and vegetables.

If your gut needs healing, remember this is one of the reasons you’re starting the day with a glass of fresh, plain celery juice on an empty stomach. (For more information, see Chapter 17, “Gut Health.”

If blood sugar or energy levels are of particular concern, employ the grazing technique I describe in Chapter 8, “Adrenal Fatigue.”

For quicker progress, try a week or more with no avocados or other radical fats. Also try cutting out added salt entirely.

And if, on the other hand, you’re okay with a less rapid rate of cleansing and healing, add a half avocado two to three times a week at dinner.

You can also pull back the reins on this diet by swapping out the Spinach Soup dinner for a meal of simply steamed potatoes, vegetables, or one of the cooked recipes from the next chapter. This can be part of a less intense cleanse, and it can also be an excellent way to transition into or out of an all-raw cleanse.

And remember, Cleanse to Heal is there for you as a companion resource. That book offers more insights into cleanse modifications (including an entire chapter on adaptations and substitutions), plus more cleanse options and more recipes—as well as options for how to deal with symptom or condition complications.


When you’re adjusting to this way of eating, you may miss certain comfort foods. In their absence, one source of comfort is that this isn’t forever. The cleanse is for a month. If you’re 40, you’ve lived through 480 of those things. You've blinked before, and a month has gone by.

As you’re venturing into your cleanse, your liver will start to do its work, releasing toxic troublemakers it's been storing for a long time —in some cases years, or even decades. These troublemakers include pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, toxic heavy metals (such as aluminum, mercury, and copper), petrochemicals (such as exhaust fumes from cars and gasoline fumes), plastics, colognes, perfume, scented candles, air fresheners, toxic byproduct and debris from pathogens (such as Epstein-Barr virus, shingles, herpes simplex, cytomegalovirus, and HHV-6), stored-up adrenaline from fight-or- flight or caffeine use, and stored-up fats from a high-fat diet for years if not decades before your cleanse. It's natural to need extra rest during your cleanse, and extra sensitivity and caring from loved ones. (For spiritual support, turn to Chapter 24. “Soul-Healing Meditations and Techniques,” and Chapter 25, “Essential Angels.”)

For information on how we’re exposed to these and more toxic troublemakers in our everyday lives, refer to Cleanse to Heal. That book also offers answers about your body's healing process as it releases these troublemakers, plus further emotional, spiritual, and soul-healing insights. Here’s a peek into the emotional aspect of cleansing:

As your cells release old, stored-up adrenaline from emotional upsets and residues from troublemaker foods you ate during those difficult times in the past, cravings and memories may burst to the surface of your consciousness. Consider each of these mental twinges a gift.

It means a pocket of toxins is leaving you, and even some emotions associated with them. If you give in to the craving, it may make you feel momentarily satisfied, but you’ll cut off the detox process and seal remaining toxins in the liver until you can go back to cleansing.

This cleanse could also bliss you out. We don’t just suppress challenging emotions stored in our cells—we also suppress joy. Sometimes we feel overburdened by the world’s worries, so we feel we don’t deserve to be happy. This detox plan will help reset that thinking. Cleansing is a spiritual experience when the information for the cleanse comes from above, as this does. As your body pushes out the toxic clutter, your brain will clear. You could find yourself experiencing realizations about who you truly are, and about the direction you want your life to go. Embrace that. Listen to it. Your happiness matters to the good of humanity.

As for transitioning on the other end: Don’t go out for a meat lover’s pizza, mac and cheese, or cheeseburgers to celebrate the day you finish the cleanse. Don’t order a chocolate ice-cream cake. Your liver and digestive system will become overloaded if you reintroduce large amounts of fat right away. Be patient with the process. Bit by bit, here and there, you have the option to start adding in some cooked vegetables and legumes; some healthy grains such as millet, oats, and quinoa; a little more fat (stick to healthy fats); or lean protein. If you want to enjoy your best health, then keep the foods listed in Chapter 19, “What Not to Eat,” out of your diet for good.

And if you feel so great on the cleanse that you want to keep going, or keep going with minor modifications such as a bit more avocado, nuts, seeds, coconut, or cold-pressed olive oil, or a cooked meal here and there, then Ym not saying you should stop yourself from doing that. If you want to make the Medical Medium tools from the 28-Day Healing Cleanse—which means specific fruits, leafy greens, herbs, wild foods, and vegetables—your way of life, go for it.

Everyone’s different. Everyone has different pathogens, such as viruses and bacteria, inside of their bodies. Some have one variety of Epstein- Barr virus, some have two EBV varieties, plus a variety of shingles and/or another pathogen, such as Streptococcus. Some people have more toxic heavy metals in their brain or liver. And some people have more of one specific toxic heavy metal. Some people have more pesticides and herbicides, and some people have more air fresheners and gasoline inside their liver. Women’s and men’s immune systems work differently. And everyone has different emotional challenges and circumstances, different living and financial circumstances, and different health histories that can lead to lowered immune systems at different times in their lives and different ages. On a spiritual level, we all have different souls.

In practical terms, these differences in what each of us is up against mean that we’ll make different choices in how to move forward after a cleanse. Some people, for example, need animal protein in their non-cleanse lives to feel all is right with the world. Some feel that a bowl of brown rice with salmon at lunch is what keeps them going. Others don’t.

Feel it out for yourself by using the Medical Medium tools and protocols that work for where you are in your life. There are over a thousand combinations that you can create for yourself. Venture in a little at time. Remember that your body is looking out for you. It wants to heal. Understanding the information here about how your body works and what it needs to overcome your symptoms and conditions—and rise out of the ashes—makes all the difference. If you start by giving your body a bit of what it needs at a time and take it day by day, you can bring yourself to a place of peace.


If fruit makes a comeback, it’s thanks to readers like you who took this information to heart and made change.

                                                                  —Anthony William, Medical Medium



These sample menu plans offer ideas about how to structure your days and weeks on the 28-Day Healing Cleanse. For the recipes that it references, turn to the next chapter.

You’ll notice a great deal of variety in these sample menus. That’s in order to show you the range of options available for inspiration. If you prefer, you are more than welcome to keep it simple. Go back over the meal-by-meal guidelines in this chapter to ground yourself in the basics and take it from there. You could select a handful of meal options from these samples that appeal to you and create a menu that seems doable.

Feel free to customize your menus using the other suggestions in this chapter. For example, you could decide to drink the Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie for breakfast every morning if that’s a priority. You could decide to graze for blood sugar support, snacking on cleanse options every hour and a half to two hours. In the evenings, you may decide to sip one of the tea recipes from Chapter 18, “Freeing Your Brain and Body of Toxins.” for specific support.

The recipes in these menu plans are all raw options. If you’re okay with a less rapid rate of cleansing, you’ll find cooked options at the end of the next chapter that you can select at dinnertime. On the other hand, if you want a faster rate of cleansing, you’re welcome to omit avocado from any of the raw dinner recipes in these menus.

This is about customizing your cleanse using the Medical Medium tools and information here in this book to make the cleanse work best in your life.

(See eBook Supplemental Material for a printable PDF download of the sample menu plan.)


  • 規格:精裝 / 478頁 / 普通級 (美國原裝進口)
  • 出版地:美國
  • 出版者 ‏ : ‎ Hay House Inc.;





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